On-ground activities:
20ha Revegetation including 21,960 seedlings and 1.7kg of native seed mix
20ha Site Preparation (weed control and mounding)
0.7 km of fencing to protect the 20ha revegetation site
The project delivers against the following National Landcare Programme (NLP) national and international obligations and related NLP Strategic Outcomes:
Protection and restoration of ecosystem function, resilience and biodiversity; appropriate management of invasive species which threaten ecosystems, habitats or native species.
Build community awareness of biodiversity values, skills, participation and knowledge, including Indigenous knowledge and participation, to promote conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.
Reduce the loss of natural habitats, degradation and fragmentation; protection or conserving Matters of National Environmental Significance including management of Ramsar wetlands, natural values of national heritage etc; reduce the number of nationally threatened species and improve their conservation status