Flora, Fauna and Farming: Connecting Kids to Country
Period: 2021-2022
Funding Body: State NRM
Funds: $34,963
Project Officer: Ashley Marjoram
Since land settlement and the inception of industrial processes, the south coast region has experienced a significant loss of native vegetation, leading to land degradation, straining of ecosystem processes and disconnecting humans from nature. Experiences, encounters and connection with the natural world are critical to forming lifelong environmental attitudes and values, which will shape resource management in the future. This project provides an immersive learning experience and ‘adopt a patch’ program for the community’s future generation, with the potential to become deeply rooted within schools to connect kids to country and foster sustainable attitudes towards land management for the future.
Development of a curriculum linked environmental education and resource package for local schools (Cranbrook, Frankland River and Tambellup)
Three Excursions for the year 5/6 students from Cranbrook, Frankland River and Tambellup Primary Schools to local sites with industry experts creating an opportunity for an immersive learning experience
Creation of a collaborative Mural reflecting the themes of flora, fauna and farming
Implementation and feasibility report into an ongoing Adopt a Spot program for Cranbrook, Frankland River and Tambellup Primary School.