• 2 glove-box style, locally relevant revegetation guides for each sub catchment. The Gillamii catchment specific guide aims to provide methods as well as species guides that include key structural and functional elements of native vegetation communities of the mid-upper Frankland and Gordon River and surrounds. Vegetation communities are linked to associated soil types and landscape positions.

  • Purchase of a Com-veg direct seeder for community use in the two sub-regions

  • 150km of fencing erected to protect high quality remnant vegetation and 655ha of revegetation established, to build habitat linkages incorporating;

  • Native species stock forage plant trials (using Future Farm CRC published Enrich Project strategies – to establish from ‘hospital paddocks’ which native species preformed against output indicators; eatable biomass, digestibility, crude protein content, mineral content, methane output, reducing gut parasites, palatability, and shelter suitability),

  • biodiverse sandalwood plantation,

  • biodiversity plantings and,

  • training opportunities for community members to use the Com-veg direct seeder.

  • 2 field days (1 in each sub-region) held show-casing project works, linking science with the on-ground activities, current and expected outcomes, with a focus on biodiversity and production benefits.



