Membership Online Membership Application Form Name * First Name Last Name Trading Name * Postal Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email * Phone * I agree to abide by the rules of the Group as set out in the Constitution. Signature * Type applicant's name as signatory Date * Please note the format is Month then Day MM DD YYYY Payment Details: The Gillamii Centre Inc BSB 633 000 Account 110 006 285 Reference – (Your Trading Name) Membership What services are most relevant to you? Select as many options that apply Equipment Hire Pest and Weed Control Revegetation Saltland Remediation Industry Events, Field Days, Workshops and Training Carbon Farming and Accounting Natural Capital Accounting Soil Health Lake and River Restoration Agricultural Research, Trials and Demonstrations Anything else, please let us know! Thank you for your application. We will be in touch!Note: As per The Gillamii Centre Inc. constitution, acceptance of membership is at the committee’s discretion.