Re-vegetation to Improve Ecosystem Health Including Habitat for Australasian Bittern
Funding Body: SWCC
Funds: $25,000
This project aims to improve ecosystem health of Kulunilup Lake by protecting and revegetating twenty hectares of degraded, partly salt affected land that drains directly into the Lake.
Increase Capability for Community Engagement in NRM
Funding Body: SNRM
Funds: $10,000
This project will survey landholders in our catchment region to determine needs and values pertaining to NRM and Sustainable Agriculture; and identify the barriers for involvement or
The Conservation Drive Trail
Funding Body: GSDC
Funds: $62,673
A Conservation Drive Trail (distance of 60km) within the Shire of Cranbrook to enable recognition and conservation of high value remnant vegetation along the roadsides, showcase our natural flora
Improve Conservation Value of Roadside Vegetation
Funding Body: SNRM
Funds: $25,000
Weed removal of six target species (including four Weeds of National Significance) along high conservation value roadsides. The 'Roadside Vegetation and Conservation Values in the Shire
Restoring Gondwana- Gillamii Project Kent Frankland
Funding Body: NLP, SCNRM
Funds: $276,448
Improving landscape connectivity, maximising population viability, and reducing threatening processes are key project outcomes that will build the resilience of threatened species
Protecting EPBC Species & Improving Soil Health
Funding Body: NLP, SCNRM
Funds: $272,384
Protecting South Coast Ecosystems: Recovery, threat abatement and connectivity actions for EPBC listed species.
Increase Capability for Community Engagement in NRM 2014
Funds: $15,000
Capacity building through website development and other technology improvements being an office server and staff computers.
Enhancing Biodiversity & Revolutionising Revegetation Techniques
Funding Body: SCNRM
Funds: $14,300
In collaboration with North Stirlings Pallinup NRM, ($14,300 component above, is Gillamii project officers salary portion only as project was managed by NSP)
Sustainable Grazing on Saline Lands (SGSL)
Funding Body: SGSL
Funds: $23,000
Gillamii research extension project for Sustainable Grazing on Saline Lands (SGSL). SGSL were conducting a series of research projects designed to develop options for livestock production from saline