Nature Appreciation at Lake Poorrarecup
Period: 2009-11
Funding Body: Dept of Environment & Conservation
Funds: $18,985
Project Officers: Genevieve Harvey
Aims to increase local and visitor awareness, appreciation and understanding of the natural environment unique to Lake Poorrarecup.
Lake Poorrarecup Reserve is located in the Frankland River district of the shire of Cranbrook and vested as a recreation reserve. Gillamii Centre worked in close collaboration with the Shire of Cranbrook and the Lake Poorrarecup upgrade committee to develop a draft plan of management of the lake to be presented to council for adoption. The plan will include objectives, strategies and actions for implementation with a realistic timeframe for completion of the following identifies actions;
Continued access and sustainable use of Lake Poorarecup Reserve
Raise recreational users awareness, appreciation and understanding of the importance of regional and local wetland systems
Raise recreational users awareness, appreciation and understanding of the importance of remnant vegetation.